Truth be told...
I don't think I've ever been as cold as I was while shooting these pictures.
I often get asked: "Sonya, aren't you cold in just a sweater in the winter?" Or.. "wow it must be really hot in Canada!" Yes- I am very cold while shooting my winter outfit pictures. But allow me to explain, they in no way realistically portray what I wear when it is -4 degrees outside. The reason I don't wear jackets often is because:
a) I am a summer-fall outfit kind of girl. I love skirts. I don't like tights on me. I don't like puffy winter jackets. I am also in denial that it's not hot outside. I like to think of the winter as a temporary cold front.
b) I have two winter jackets that I switch between. I don't think it would be very fun to show outfits using the same exact articles of clothing, so I kind of just subtract those pieces.
So no, it is not blazing hot in Canada. It is cold. I am just insane =) haha
Additionally, I wanted to make a list that is actually very relevant to my life right now:
How to make the most of the winter.
I really really don't want to count down the days until summer, because that's not living life to the fullest. If I can't escape the cold- I have to learn to like it. So here is a list I made:
My wonderful friend Anat posted a gorgeous outfit post on her blog,
check it out!
See you soon